This week: balancing and healing Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)

Anahata Chakra Your heart chakra 💚So, this week we will be doing all different kinds of asanas to balance and heal the fourth chakra: Anahata (heart). This chakra processes all experiences dealing with love, trust, dedication, pain, sorrow and forgiveness. When the heart chakra is blocked, it will show on a physical level as well as on an emotional level: you might feel isolated, be overcritical towards yourself and others, or feel fear for to be loved or to love. When your heart chakra is over-activated or overly open, you could be overly demanding towards others, have the tendency to feel like a victim, or you will start to loose… Read More

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This week: Twists!

Yoga twists! Twists and rotations Get ready for some twisting and turning! This week, classes will be full of twists and rotations. Twists and rotations are the best asanas for your spine, hips, shoulders, abdomen, ribcage, but first and foremost they have a great effect on your blood circulation and internal organs. Benefits of twists on a physical level Twisting poses restore your spine’s natural range of motion, they stimulate blood circulation and cleanse your inner organs. While holding a twist for a few breaths, organs are being compressed and will “push out” the blood filled with metabolic by-products and toxins. On release of the twist, fresh, oxygen-rich blood flows… Read More

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Vinyasa Power Yoga Master Lizenz

Vinyasa Power Yoga Master Lizenz Continuing my Yoga Education with IFAA Last week was amazing! I was on the German island of Sylt, far North, close to Denmark, where I completed my “Vinyasa Power Yoga Master Lizenz” with IFAA (the third part of the 200 hours TT): a new chapter in my Yoga Journey! Learning and Teaching, always a Student With Evi Schneider as our teacher, her dog Henry and only the four of us in class, this week couldn’t have been better! Evy taught us about hands-on-adjustments (something I have wanted to learn for so long) and proper sequencing. She was able to explain the more spiritual elements of… Read More

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Priorities for First Time Vinyasa Yoga Students

When you start teaching Vinyasa Yoga to beginner students, you can not teach them everything about yoga in the first class. It’s just way too much information. Depending on the students and their level of knowledge about yoga, you can start making a priority list. Well, at least that’s what I did ☺ Most important in the first class would be to make it as accessible as possible to all students and to show them all variations of poses possible for different levels of flexibility and strength. This way, they can see that yoga truly is for everybody and that you don’t need to be flexibel to do yoga. What I often see… Read More

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Vinyasa Yoga Classes starting every Wednesday

What a great evening we had yesterday with our Free Introduction Vinyasa Yoga Class! Thank you all for coming!! The Vinyasa Yoga classes will continue: every Wednesday evening from 6.30 – 7.30 pm I will be teaching at Industry of Activity’s brand new studio at Kaya Neerlandia 21-C. If you wish to join the class, make sure to bring a towel and/or yoga mat, some water and of course a big smile! This class is fun, relaxing and also challenging. For prices, check my Classes and Rates . And remember: you don’t have to be flexible to do yoga, you will become flexible from doing it…… See you Wednesday!

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Free Introduction Vinyasa Yoga Class

After teaching some (private) classes on my roof terrace, I thought it was time to introduce Vinyasa Yoga to a new group of people. As my philosophy is, that every first lesson should be free, so students can decide for themselves if they are ready to commit to a more regular practice, I decided to create an event. Wednesday, 25 January, there will be a Free Introduction Vinyasa Yoga Class. I really want this class to be available and accessible for all levels of students. I would like to attract the people that have always been kind of sceptic about yoga, because I am positive this will be an eye-opener for them. It will… Read More

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I can’t believe I actually just pressed the button to go live with the website! It took me quite some time to get it all done and I am not really the big computer wizard, but with some great help from Benji, with his soon to be launched website , I (we) did manage after all…. There are still a lot of things that need to be changed and/or added, but at least YourLife.Yoga is ready to be shown to the rest of the world. In February, my friend and old neighbor, Nancy Reuten is coming to Bonaire. She is a great photographer and will be taking some pictures for the website. I… Read More

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Vinyasa Power Yoga Basic Lizenz

December 2016 has been a very exciting month for me. From 15-18 December I was in Berlin to join a great group of women for the second part of the yoga teacher training with Vinyasa Power Yoga Akademie Deutschland, through IFAA Akademie. Our teacher, Patricia Römke, was there to guide us and teach us to become yoga teachers in our own way, creating our own style. She showed us how to teach Surinamaskara A (Sun salutation A) and other asanas, with lots of different modifications for beginner students and/or students with physical limitations. We all got to teach some sun salutations and other asanas, which we integrated in a Vinyasa… Read More

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